02 August 2007

Airport Updates

It has been *so long* since I have been to Phoenix Sky Harbor. In fact, it's probably been 6 weeks. Wow. How quick things change. Actually, what I'm griping about now is the parking situation. I can't even think of the last time we had to park at the airport. That's one of the benefits of having roommates! Someone is always avaialable to drive :) So, arriving at the airport today and finding it's $8/day to park in the blazing hot Arizona sunshine (and spend 15 minutes at least finding a spot) or $10/day to park in the comfort of the garage and not spend more than 5 minutes looking for a spot...hmmm, tough choice. So, for my 5 day trip to LA, I will spend $50 in parking. Now, I know gas is expensive (actually, it's getting cheaper every week, yea!) but this is something that I think I have miscalculated. McMom offered me a ride to the airport, but foolish me, thinking it was $4/day and just as easy for me to take myself, rejected her offer. Again, foolish me. I shall endeavor not to ever have to park at the airport again.
Meanwhile, I am thankful for free wi-fi in the terminals. You should see how many of us fellow travelers are hunched over laptops. I love it!
And while I take a look at the fancy flat panel tvs hanging all around, I am feeling pretty guilty for my ease and comfort to travel the way I want to, when I want to. I'm watching the story about the bridge in Minnesota that has collapsed and I feel bad, because I know people that spend time there. So, I am at a loss, because I don't spend a lot of time watching the news, and I rarely know what's going on around me. Talk about feelings of selfishness, being made aware with this news in my face. Life is simpler when you don't have to worry about what's going on outside of your own sphere, but these are real people that have to deal with this crazy stuff every day. Wow. My prayers are with those affected by this tragedy in Minnesota. But more and more, I realize that this is a big world (over 6 billion people) and that God loves each and every one of us the same. That's wow. I don't want my sometimes apathetic approach to be confused for not caring. All I can say is that I'm happy my future's in God's hands. Now only if everyone else I care about had the same approach...
Sorry if this is preachy, or offends. But when I get out of my selfish world, this is the way my brain ends up thinking. Maybe I should spend more time at airports by myself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see that you put your time in the airport to use. Wow! It is expensive to park. It has been years since I parked and flew to Illinois to see my Mom. (Not since 2001.) Next time maybe you will let me take you and pick you up. Have a great trip. Love, McMom

3/8/07 00:12  
Blogger Joab Meyer said...

Amen sister! Enjoy your quiet airport time...as with Asa around we will get NONE. But he is oh, so cute flirting with all the women at the airport...!
Hope you had a good time in LA- Em

5/8/07 19:27  

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