Twelve and a half days
That's how long it's been since we landed in LAX on our way home from India. This is noteworthy because it marks how long some say it takes to break out of jet lag. Some people say it takes a day per time zone. India is 12 and a half hours away from Arizona, so we're officially over our jet lag. For the record, coming home this time was probably the easiest it's ever been for me. I suffered more the first two weeks we were in India than I did coming home. I would say for Geo, it was the opposite. He seemed to do better than me going over, and he definitely was the sleepier one this time. I'm baffled about the intricacies of jet lag still; you'd think by now I'd have some authoritative opinion about traveling. But no. I have nothing to offer. I guess I was lucky coming home this time.
Speaking of being home, it's nice. The culture shock wasn't nearly as bad as the stomach shock I had for the first week! Maybe being gone only three and a half months isn't long enough to completely forget about the life you lived before you left. We slipped into our new routine easily, although we certainly can't come close to saying we have an actual routine. The focus now is to get the important stuff done each day and go to bed ready for the next day. Easy enough for now!
I rely on such a set, normal schedule... this won't bode well for the big time difference from here to Japan! See you Friday!
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