09 May 2007

By the Numbers

I've seen these sort of lists in lots of magazines...they seem to be a good way to share information. Here's my compilation of the 104 days we spent on the sub-continent (from biggest to smallest).

4000 Indian rupees we didn't get to spend, now taking up space in my wallet (almost $100 USD)
1488 Pages I read in Vikram Seth's "A Suitable Boy" (the longest book I've ever read)
32 Sessions of yoga I attended (for free, woo-hoo!)
9 Domestic flights (one ways) paid for in cash because these airlines don't take foreign credit cards: Kingfisher, Jet Airways, SpiceJet, Air Deccan, IndiGo)
6 Frankies eaten after midnight on campus at various all-night parties (a most-delicious Indian snack)
3.63 Geo's awesome GPA at the Indian School of Business (transferred back only as pass/fail)
2 Bollywood films seen (3 hours each!)
Too many Days until we can go back to visit our new friends and be Indian again!


Blogger Joab Meyer said...

102- the temp today
2- kids who miss you
1- cat whose new passion is killing bunnies

hope your trip is going great! Em

18/5/07 17:34  

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