Begging your forgiveness
Well, here it is. It's been a long time since we've been home. A really long time. We arrived back in Phoenix on August 1 and have barely anything to make excuses for why we (I) haven't been blogging. Maybe a simple, I'm sorry, will suffice?
But now I can tell you all the big news: we're going to India! That's right. Geo's been approved to study abroad at the Indian School of Business in Hyderabad, India. So now we're gearing up for a brand new, super big adventure and you'll get to read and see it all as it happens.
We leave on 29 December. That puts us in our new home on 31 December at 11:15 pm. Right in time for the New Year. Perfect!
We've had a truly global, truly blessed 2006 and I'm really looking forward to blogging some more in 2007 from India. Stay tuned!