These Boots...

...are made for compliments! Who would have thought that rubber rain boots could attract so much attention. I am typically the type of person who avoids any possiblity of drawing unnecessary attention to myself. It's not that I don't like an ocassional compliment, but it's much easier to just stay out of the realm of "high fashion". When I got to Prague in the thick of the snow season, I thought to myself it would be a good idea to get a pair of rain boots. I don't think I ever had owned a pair, so it wasn't that crazy of an idea. Well, they have cute rubber rain boots here. The kids pairs are even cuter, but they didn't fit. So, I found these. I actually made a trip back to Prague to get them the day after I saw them the first time. And until yesterday, I had worn them once. I found they weren't really worth the effort. If I simply avoided puddles, I was fine. And if my shoes did get wet, we have a handy radiator in our room to dry them on.
Yesterday it rained all day. Really. All day. I had to go to the airport to meet my mom and dad, so I thought if I would be out in the rain, I could probably get away with wearing these boots. They're not comfy...a pair of insoles would be awesome in these. But, they keep your feet dry.
I wore them downstairs to lunch and I got a nod and a smile from the lunch lady who takes my money and wishes me a good meal (in Czech) every day. A couple of students commented that the boots were cool and one mentioned that his neices would love them. Then, a complete stranger (she was probably 18) mentioned to her parents that she thought my boots were cool. This was on the subway, she probably thought I was Czech. She had a British accent and a red passport (I think that's from the UK). Anyway, I just smiled, because she was pointing at my boots, not at me...
So I thought I would write to say you never know what will be a conversation starter. I certainly didn't expect it from my rubber rain boots.