12 March 2006

A weekend to relax

On Thursday, after Geo was finished with his first "module" finals and projects (the first half of the trimester is over!) we took off for Düsseldorf, Germany. Our friend Sabrina (a former roommate of ours in our Phoenix house) lives there, so we thought a visit to her would be fun. Geo and I went to the airport separately on Thursday, although he had both of our bags. I was coming from town, where I had just got my hair done. So, we met at the airport (actually, unplanned, because we were supposed to meet much earlier in the day, but because his train was late and my hair took longer than I thought it would, we both managed to barely get ourselves to the airport on time!) and we took off for the Rhein River-region. We had dinner out on Thursday evening, slept in late on Friday and explored the very bourgeois pedestrian zones of Düsseldorf. Sabrina cooked an exquisite meal for us on Friday night. On Saturday, we went to Köln (a.k.a. Cologne) and we saw the Dom, a beautiful, gigantic cathedral. Today (Sunday), we went on a 10-K hike on the Rhein River to a quaint village, called Kaiserswerth. During our trip, there was a little bit of rain, a little bit of snow, and a little bit of sun. Prague, however, was hit with heavy snow today and it even delayed our flight by an hour. It was great though, because as soon as we came out of the airport, our beloved CMC driver and van was there picking up a Thunderbird professor coming in for the week from Glendale. It was awesome, because we got a free ride home and didn't have to take the public transport (which would have gotten us home an hour later than we did get home). So, it worked out very well for us!

Now, we are back in our room, marveling at the depth of the snow (almost 3 inches, deeper in some areas). This is the most snow we've seen since we have been here. Amazing! Geo is back in some new classes and 2 classes that continue for the whole trimester on Tuesday. Also, Andie (Geo's sister) comes in for the week! I should have some good blogging after that.
Enjoy the pictures (borrowed from Sabrina's camera)!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great get away! A visit with Sabrina, now it's her turn to visit you. Love, McMom

13/3/06 18:59  

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