13 March 2006

Another new way to contact us

Apparently, this cell phone that we bought the first day we were in South Africa (31 Dec if I remember right) has got all sorts of bells and whistles that continue to amaze me. So now, you can send email right to the phone. It's free on your end and free on ours! A response might cost a few cents for us, but don't worry: you're worth it!
So, if you feel like it, you can send a short email to us at ktgm721@vodafonemail.cz
Pay close attention to the address, or else you'll be like Krissy, telling Geo the wrong address and wondering for hours why he wasn't going to email me. But now, we know it works!
Hope to hear from you soon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! I have used your new email address. If you don't hear from me, I need to try again. Sounds like everything is going well.. &E will be there now and Cathey and Enn next month. Then its over. Love McMom

14/3/06 22:13  

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