Sleepless Nights

George and Geo walking with our guide for today through the streets of Thamel, Kathmandu City, Nepal.

Our backpacks packed and ready to go. These are the housekeeping staff that were so helpful to us during our stay at ISB. Carrying our own bags would be absolutely ridiculous in their minds.

Geo and Krissy at the party the last night of our stay at ISB. The theme was to dress in white shirts and blue jeans. Geo went in reverse!
Our stay at ISB has come to an end :( This is very sad, because we really had a wonderful experience while we were there. But the good part about leaving is that it means Geo is done with his MBA and we began our 10 day road trip of the sub-continent.
The last night we were at school meant another party...ISB-ans really know how to have a good time. The party was held in our student village, which meant we wouldn't get much sleep in our room. We were "forced" to dance the night away. At 4:30 am, we gave up and went to sleep. Our fatigue allowed us to pass out immediately, even though the music didn't stop until 5:30 am. Wow!
After a hectic "last day" on campus, we managed to leave on schedule (okay, we were 12 minutes behind, but that's not bad for Indian "stretchable" time). We went to the airport in time for our 10:30 pm flight. We arrived in Delhi at 12:30 am and met George at the international arrivals right around 1 am. Our plan to sleep at the retiring rooms at the airport didn't work out (not good, since Lonely Planet made it sound quite reasonable). We were stuck in the departure terminal, but our flight didn't begin checking in until 9 am. So, we slept in the lounge area but it was pretty restless. I gave into sleep at 4:30 am and was awake by 8. Geo got a bit more than me. George probably slept less than an hour. Poor guy. Our flight to Nepal was just a little late. So far, we have explored the Thamel neighborhood of Kathmandu. It's really nice here. The weather is awesome. The high today was 86 F and at 10 pm it's 58 F. What a change from Hyderabad!
First thing tomorrow morning we're taking a flight over Mt. Everest. Pray for a cloudless sky for us so we can thoroughly enjoy our flight. I should be able to blog about it tomorrow, so check again when you can :)
Geo, Krissy, & George, Thank you for allowing me to enjoy your travels with the update. Congrats to Geo on his completion of the MBA. Hope you enjoyed Everest today. Love, McMom
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