05 January 2007

5 Days in India

There is a very large lake in Hyderabad and we don't know much about it yet. But there are nice places to eat along the waterfront.

Geo and I took an auto-rickshaw into town. It costs 150 Rupees from the campus to town (maybe 15-20 km) and you can pack three normal sized people in. I've seen these things with 5 or 6 smallish men and 7 or 8 young children. I also saw one with 3 adults and a goat. Hmmm.

A sample of traffic at night. There are lots of motorbikes and auto-rickshaws. Some people have their own small cars, but they are not as common.

This is a picture of the area in front of the mall in Hyderabad. The traffic is usually quite heavy.

We're finally getting a bit more productive. We've had two trips into the city now. On Wednesday, we went with our ISB Buddy, Sartaj. We went into town to a big mall, then to another big mall to meet a friend of his. Then we had a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant on the shore of the large lake in town.
On Thursday, we went into town again with another exchange student, Stephanie. We had no purpose of the trip, other than exploring and seeing what we could accomplish on our own. This time the mall was closed (opening hours start at 10 am for almost everything) and we went to a large craft fair instead (Stephanie has visited here last year for 2 weeks and remembered this from her visit).
Today now is Friday and Geo took part in the orientation for all the exchange students. So far there are 10 and only one is not from the US. More are coming but I'm not sure when they're going to arrive. We did some icebreaker activities and then had lunch together. Now the students are at a marketing symposium and I'm blogging!


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