Our New Place in Prague

Geo and I signed a contract for a 3 month lease on a nice apartment in Prague. It's pretty conveniently located (very easy Metro access). It takes 10 minutes to get to Wenceslas Square. Our apartment is huge--98 square meters. I have no idea what that is in square feet, but for the same price (a little closer to the popular parts of Prague) we only would have gotten about 40 square meters. It's 3 bedrooms, and has a nice living room and kitchen. The place itself is about 9 years old, we're told. It's typical Czech construction...nice but not extravagant in any sense. We have a big TV with cable...30 German stations and CNN in English. Not one channel with any Czech. Very interesting...The landlord and his wife live one floor below us. A couple of guys live the floor above us. Also in the building is a small business. Across the street is the only curling arena in the Czech Republic. There is a brand new, gorgeous, American style mall one Metro stop away. Unfortunately, there isn't a movie theatre there, but there is a great big grocery store (much like a Super Walmart...it's got everthing).
I'm going to try to upload a few pictures. We've got a new internet connection for the laptop now. It's a mobile phone modem. It is not all that fast, but it's cool because it can go anywhere!
Here goes...well...it looks like it's not going to work after all. I've got to figure out a way to reduce the size of the pictures so they'll be able to upload. Perhaps that will be a project for another day...sorry about that!
Your new apartment sounds great. Hmmmm...maybe we should visit again??? ;)
Sounds like you are really enjoying the area. That apartment sounds big enough for visitors from America. Love, McMom
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